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About Me

Patty Mabin 

With the help of the Creator, my family and especially my brother, the dream of Pemmican Patty has come alive. It has given me renewed hope and purpose. It has strengthened family ties and provided a view of the past and a vision for the future. It is living proof that the joy is in the journey! Based on a strong desire to keep our heritage alive, I learned that my Grandma Ida, and other Metis’ ancestors before her, made pemmican to sustain themselves and others, including trappers, traders, and soldiers. Dubbed “the indigenous superfood,” our version of pemmican is made of real food. A combination of bison, beef, berries, and maple sap water provides a convenient, natural source of energy for people on the go in today’s modern world. My hope is for this product to promote good health and preserve Metis traditions, one pemmican bite at a time!

Indigenous Foods


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